I have been asked this same question over and over again. This question could be very difficult to answer around all of the fake scams popping up almost everywhere. But there is a bit of relief for those of you who are very serious about finding the right job to attain from home. I’ve had a chance to review a directory called The Home Job Corp. It was created to help educate people on the real and legitimate different types of jobs that can be performed from home. Inside of this directory you will be able to examine the different income opportunities that are unique and honest.Before applying for any of these jobs please be sure that it’s fitted for you. However, I can tell you upfront that most of the requirements will be that you have basic computer skills. Training is defiantly always provided. You will need a landline phone with long distance, a preferred operating system which is usually Windows, must have a high speed internet connection if you currently have a wireless connection you may want to consider changing it because it will not be accepted, headset/microphone and most of all a wonderful personality. If you have all of these things you can start applying for those different types of jobs and enjoy your journey on working at home. Researching work at home jobs are also important in order to make sure they match your needs correctly regarding the hours and shifts required. There are many legitimate companies that will pay you to perform duties such as Customer Service, Business Coding, Input Data Recording, Word Processing, Appointment Setting, General Transcription, Inbound Answering Services, Order Processing, Medical Billing and Programming Research, Clerical, Bookkeeping, Payroll and much more. Good luck and always remember if something sounds too good to be true it’s usually always is.